Female and male goldfinch eating from sunflower plants

Female and male goldfinch eating from sunflower plants

A family of goldfinches has taken over the sunflower patch.  Luckily, the bees don’t seem to mind.  The birds flit from flower to flower, nibbling on the sunflower seed hearts.  There is usually at least one male and one female present.  Sometimes they bring Junior, who waits patiently on the top-most flower for mom or dad to feed him.  They have made quite a mess, leaving the seed shells all over the deck, but the show is worth the mess.  They seem to be the only birds interested in the sunflowers, but the squirrels enjoy them too.  This morning I found a half-eaten sunflower on the deck railing.

Between the bees and the goldfinches, I’ve found that the sunflowers are a good bang for your buck in the garden!

Click here for more information about attracting goldfinches!